“Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.”
-PSHE Association 2019
At Batley Parish Junior, Infant and Nursery School our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) delivers a tailored, accessible and inclusive curriculum for all including children with SEND. It provides children with the understanding of being healthy, independent and kind children. At the heart of our PSHE there are our school drivers of community, hope and self, as well as our Christian Values of hope, trust, forgiveness, love, community and respect . Children will learn all of this through five overarching themes of family and relationships, health and wellbeing, safety and the changing body, citizenship, economic wellbeing and for Year 6 they will have an additional unit of identify. Our PSHE curriculum utilises first-hand and relatable experiences and supports children to be respectable members of our diverse school and wider community. Children will also learn about the protected characteristics, British Values and develop through social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) experiences.
At Batley Parish we teach PSHE through the adopted curriculum of 'Kapow'. Our reasons for this is because it is a spiral curriculum allowing children to revisit the five key areas of learning, increase their depth each time the area is revisited and also utilise their prior knowledge. Children in the Early Years (Nursery and Reception) follow the Early Years Development Matters and also follow the Jigsaw Programme to enhance their PSHE learning. This covers being me in my world, celebrating difference, dreams and goals, healthy me, relationships and changing me.
PSHE learning is recorded in PSHE Scrapbooks: these books contain a range of evidence of the children’s learning, which can include photographs, examples of work from the session, photocopies of cross-curricular learning and children’s verbal or written comments.
All sessions are linked to objectives from the planning or clearly referenced to a theme day/week or responsive lesson.
Sex education is taught as an addition to our PSHE Curriculum. There are only two lessons in Year 6 that are part of this and can be withdrawn from.
Primary schools are not required to teach sex education (which goes beyond the existing national curriculum for science). However it is recommended that primary schools have a sex education program in place. This would be age appropriate and consider the physical and emotional maturity of the children. The program we are using is from our Kapow curriculum which builds on the PSHE Association which is recommended by Department for Education (DfE). Please scroll down to see some of the content.
The DfE state that:
"Effective sex and relationship education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. It should not be delivered in isolation. It should be firmly rooted within the framework for PSHE and the National Curriculum... A successful programme, firmly embedded in PSHE, will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood."
A letter will be sent out via Parent Hub before lessons are taught on sensitive topics such as:
Appropriate contact: My private parts (in Year 2) - this is not statutory however we would highly recommend your child attending this lesson due to safeguarding and keeping safe. This will also support their prior knowledge for statutory lessons as they move through school.
Appropriate contact: My private parts are private (in Year 2) - this is not statutory however we would highly recommend your child attending this lesson due to safeguarding and keeping safe. This will also support their prior knowledge for statutory lessons as they move through school.
Introducing Puberty (in Year 4) this is statutory.
Puberty (in Year 5) this is statutory.
Menstruation (in Year 5) this is statutory.
Emotional changes in puberty (Year 5) this is statutory.
Conception (in Year 6) - Parents can withdraw from part of this lesson.
Pregnancy and birth (in Year 6) - Parents can withdraw from this lesson.
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April-2023-parental-slides-Rse.pdf | Download |
Condensed rse pshe-long term plan.pdf | Download |
Pshe and Rse guidance for parents.pdf | Download |
Rse Parent Guide.pdf | Download |
rse---parent-consultation---kapow(1)_20230627173422103.pptx | Download |
Statutory information.pdf | Download |
Teaching Online Safety Kapow PSHE and Computing Mapping.pdf | Download |